About RS85 Prestige

RS85 Prestige has been revolutionized with novel diagnostic features across each application based on the preeminent imaging performance. The advanced intellectual technologies are to help you confirm with confidence for challenging cases, while the easy-to-use system supports your effort involved in the routine scanning.

Applications: abdominal examinations, obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology, angiology, nephrology, urology, oncology, pediatrics, neonatology, examinations of superficial organs and the musculoskeletal system, transcranial examinations, transesophageal echocardiography.


Basic equipment: RS85-RUS scanner (monitor 23″; built-in modules: color, energy, directional energy, pulsed wave and constant wave doppler, tissue harmonic, S-harmonica, SonoView; ClearVision, MultiVision; DICOM and DICOM QR; EzExam ; HQ Vision; NeedleMate; cine memory; USB ports, 14″ touchscreen control panel, heated gel holder, automatic panel height adjustment for each operator, built-in keyboard with trackball) and operator’s manual.


Options for RS85-RUS scanner: Smart 4D (3D + SFVI, VSI, Smooth Cut + 4D + 3DXI + 3DMXI); cardio package; ECG module; panoramic scanning; premium options: HDVI, Realistic Vue, Natural Vue, Crystal Vue, STIC, 2D NT, IOTA-ADNEX, AutoIMT, Elastoscan, E-Thyroid, E-Breast, S-Shearwave, S-Shearwave Imaging, S-Detect Breast, S-Detect Thyroid, S-Fusion, S-Tracking, MV-Flow, CEUS+, Arterial Analysis, S-3D Arterial Analysis, Strain+; Stress Echo, ADVR, remote control pedal.