About Samsung V8

Samsung V8, the premier model of the platform, will help you get more insight in diagnosis with its intuitive visualizations, precise analytic features, and instant operation. It is our commitment for Obstetrics and Gynecology applications to support for life-long healthcare of women, diligently pursuing for new possibilities in ultrasound diagnosis.

Applications: abdominal examinations, obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology, angiology, nephrology, urology, oncology, pediatrics, neonatology, examinations of superficial organs and the musculoskeletal system, transcranial examinations, transesophageal echocardiography.


Basic equipment: V8 scanner (monitor 23.8″; built-in modules: color, energy, directional energy, pulsed wave doppler, tissue harmonic, S-harmonic, SonoView; ClearVision, MultiVision; Shadow HDR; HQ Vision; cine memory; EzExam+; NeedleMate+; BiometryAssist; 3D Freehand; USB ports, 14.0″ touch control panel, auto-adjust panel height for each operator, built-in keyboard with trackball) and operator’s manual.


Options for V8-RUS: CW, Cardiac, Smart 4D, XI STIC, Realistic VUE, Crystal VUE, Crystal VUE Flow, HDVI, 5D NT, 5D LB, 5D LimbVol, 5D CNS+, 5D Heart Color, 2D Follicle , 5D Follicle, Labor Assist, IOTA, MPI+, Uterine Assist, Elastoscan, E-Strain, E-Cervix, S-Detect for Breast, S-Detect for Thyroid, S-Shearwave Imaging, CEUS+, Auto IMT+, 2D Arterial Analysis, Strain+, StressEcho, ECG module, MV Flow, LumiFlow, SEE Stream, Panoramic, Nerve Track, DICOM, Mobile Export, ADVR, S-Fusion, SonoSync, remote control pedal, heated gel holder, digital photo printer, uninterruptible power supply .